Friday, November 18, 2016


Next week marks the end of this training block.
I've trained less in the last 6 weeks than I have in the last 6 years. More on the reason for that later, but suffice it to say, going from training 5 days a week to 3 days a week has taken some adjusting. Add in the fact that I took a "Mental Health Week" in which I bagged the gym altogether and missing a few days when I was sick has turned what was supposed to be a 4 week block into a 6 weeker.

Anyways, while I've enjoyed it, I'm looking forward to wrapping this week up and moving on to something new. Hopefully that means my log won't be such a snore.
Also, I haven't deadlifted in about 7 weeks now and I'm anxious to get my mojo back before meeting up with some of the Juggernaut team in a few weeks.

Saturday morning

- Foam rolled
- dynamic warm-up

BB Bulgarian split squats, superset with
Single leg RDLs

Front Squats, superset with

Polished off with some bodyweight lunges, glute bridges and ab wheel roll-outs.

This session was a killer but I had visions of post-workout sushi dancing through my head and somehow that makes even the most grueling training more tolerable.

Ladies, the two best things you can do for your ass: heavy squats and Lululemon pants!

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