Thursday, November 10, 2016

Weight lifting belts

I got the chance to try out my new weight lifting belt yesterday and it really helped me with my workout in the gym.  When I did my squats, my body felt much more supported and I was able to add more weight to the bar than usual.

The same goes for my deadlifts and overhead press.  I was able to lift more weight and my back felt a lot more solid throughout my whole workout.  There were no weird twinges or anything in my back during my whole workout.

I got my belt with help from here:

I am wary though to not wear my belt all of the time as I'm a little bit concerned about my back being weakened by wearing it through the whole gym routine.  I only wear it for the really heavy stuff that take a toll on my back.

I went for a comfortable womens weight lifting belt like a crossfit style velcro one.  If I progress into the really heavy weights, I will get a really leather one which is a more powerlifting style.  But I like the one I chose based on the review from the website above and it was definitely the right choice for a lady like me. 

1 comment:

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